138 - The Sixth Sense

Our Shyamalanthology comes to a close by going back to where it all truly began. But does THE SIXTH SENSE hold up? Or is it just an early example of M. Night Shyamalan’s bad habits? Did he trick us into believing constant whispering equals good acting? What does Bruce Willis do in between scenes? And why hasn’t Toni Collette called an actual professional to help her son? Listen to Alex & Julio take on the movie that bought Shyamalan a lifelong “get out of film jail free” card!

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137 - After Earth (2013)

You think we are cowards? We are not cowards! We will defend M. Night Shyamalan’s stripped-down sci-fi masterpiece AFTER EARTH even if most people don’t even remember it was an M. Night movie! Listen to Alex & Julio as they rave about this momentous passing of the torch between Will and Jaden Smith, and commend Shyamalan’s ability to fade into the background, letting his stars and their story shine. It’s part three of the Shyamalanthology!

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136 - Signs

When SIGNS originally premiered back in 2002, we were all under the spell of M. Night Shyamalan. The last true Mel Gibson blockbuster coasted on lots of good will earned by The Sixth Sense & Unbreakable, despite making very little sense. But what does Shyamalan’s third movie look like in the year 2021? Listen to Alex & Julio try to answer that question as they wonder if M. Night truly believes everything happens for a reason, puzzle over a bizarre Michael Showalter cameo, and discuss their frustrations with Shyamalan’s increasing on-camera participation! It’s part two of the Shyamalanthology!

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135 - The Last Airbender

The Shyamalanthology begins! And we’re starting at the bottom, guys. The Tomatometer has THE LAST AIRBENDER at 5%, but did it really deserve all that hate, or was it simply review-bombed by anime fanboys? Listen to Alex & Julio as they try to figure out what all the negativity is about when it comes to this perfectly fine fantasy adventure that features a delightfully evil Dev Patel and one of the most brutal deaths ever covered on the show!

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