195 - Pt. 2 - Ricochet (RT)

Once again, we are starting the new year with a Denzel Washington movie. RICOCHET may divide the Contrarians far more than The Bone Collector did, however. How do Alex & Julio truly feel about this hidden gem/stain in Denzel’s filmography? Can at least one of them appreciate the fun trashiness of Steven de Souza’s screenplay? And we all know Kevin Pollak doesn’t know how to die on screen convincingly, but is that annoying or endearing? This and more on this Real Talk segment!

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195 - Pt. 1 - Ricochet (CC)

Imagine you are a young Denzel Washington and you just won your first Oscar. How do you show Hollywood you are not a one-hit wonder? Somehow, Denzel thought the answer was to face off against a predictably deranged John Lithgow in a schlocky thriller. And, based on RICOCHET’s fresh Tomatometer score, it worked! Listen to Alex & Julio as they pick apart yet another Steven de Souza extravaganza and marvel at the fact that Denzel didn’t ruin his career with it.

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Bonus! - Pt. 2 - Drop Dead Gorgeous (RT)

So, as of this posting, it’s basically impossible to stream DROP DEAD GORGEOUS in the U.S. Is that reflective of its quality, its controversial sense of humor, or both? Alex has been enthusiastic about the movie ever since he found out it was on the schedule, but will Julio share that excitement now that we are being serious? And is it easier to navigate the potentially problematic comedic elements when you are not trying to be funny about them? Find out in this Real Talk segment!

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Bonus! - Pt. 1 - Drop Dead Gorgeous (CC)

Middle America exposed!!! And before the MAGA years, mind you. Unsurprisingly, this didn’t go over particularly well with conservative critics, and so DROP DEAD GORGEOUS’ Tomatometer score is divisive at best. Listen to Alex & Julio as they celebrate the rare mockumentary that’s not a Christopher Guest product: an incisive look at the beauty pageants industry, and a showcase for an all-star cast. There’s even a Batman cameo!

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194 - Pt. 2 - Jerry Maguire (RT)

You could make an argument that none of the players involved in JERRY MAGUIRE have ever been better. Tom Cruise, Renée Zellweger, Cuba Gooding Jr., Cameron Crowe… forget whatever acclaim they garnered in the future, maybe this rom-sports-com is where they peaked. Or maybe not. Maybe at least one of The Contrarians is too close to this film to judge it objectively. Listen to this Real Talk segment and see who you side with - or who you side against!

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194 - Pt. 1 - Jerry Maguire (CC)

Hey, look, it’s Hollywood mega-star Tom Cruise trying to play a regular guy. Wonder if movie critics will fall for it? Of course they did! JERRY MAGUIRE is fresh on the Tomatometer despite being among the worst examples of Cameron Crowe’s mannered dialogue and overproduced soundtracks. Listen to Alex & Julio as they try to figure out what exactly is Jerry so bummed about, and as they refuse to fall for Jonathan Lipnicki’s meme-worthy lines. Oh yeah, and Renée Zellweger and Cuba Gooding Jr. are in this too. Whoop-dee-doo.

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193 - Pt. 2 - The Flintstones (RT)

Okay, let’s get serious about The Flintstones - because apparently that’s how the world has decided we must judge this 1994 live-action adaptation. Is there a silent majority that thinks this movie is good and has the internet’s echo chamber fed the Tomatometer in this instance? Can we all at least agree that Halle Berry and Kyle MacLachlan are STUNNING in their prehistoric pelts? And how do The Contrarians actually feel about The Flintstones? It’s all in this Real Talk segment!

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193 - Pt. 1 - The Flintstones (CC)

You know we are too far gone as a society when we can’t appreciate the beauty of a perfect Flintstones live-action adaptation. We dare you, all of you, to propose a better cast. This was it: there won’t be a better Fred than John Goodman. And if anybody was ever going to crack the puzzle of Barney Rubble’s character, it would be Rick Moranis. But critics had to turn on the movie and now it’s infamously rotten on the Tomatometer. Listen to Alex & Julio as they defend the Spielrock production that deserves the most reevaluating!

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Bonus - Pt. 2 - The Suicide Squad (RT)

By now, we know that THE SUICIDE SQUAD was basically James Gunn’s DCEU audition - one that he passed with flying colors. Would we have given him the job though? As you would expect, this Real Talk segment sees Alex struggling with his love for John Cena versus his aversion to movies that run over two hours - plus finally assimilating Margot Robbie’s performance as Harley Quinn. As for Julio, well, he can tell this isn’t as good as Spider-Man 2, but what else can be said about it? Listen to find out!

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Bonus! - Pt. 1 - The Suicide Squad (CC)

We used to wait at least a decade before giving a failed adaptation another shot at being reimagined. Now we pump out remakes, reboots, and requels faster than WB can shelve them. And that’s how we ended up with a SUICIDE SQUAD sort-of-sequel that didn’t even bother to change its title all that much. Listen to Alex & Julio as they try to make sense of James Gunn’s DC cover of Guardians of the Galaxy — and the Harley Quinn short film embedded within!

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